
BIO-active seed treatment

02 May 2023
In previous episodes, we discussed the importance of macro- and micronutrients when treating seeds.
☝But there is a whole group of bioactive substances that also play a significant role in this process, and the results obtained surpass expectations!
🤓 So let’s get started! 🤓
🔹The first group is humic acids.🔹
Treating seeds with these substances has become a common practice. It is an important component that creates favorable conditions for seed germination and root system development:
✅ humic acids ensure active development of beneficial microflora, optimize soil buffer properties, improve nutrient uptake by the root system;
✅ fulvic acids improve plant metabolism, stimulate root system development, increase nutrient uptake and retention, and increase the cation exchange capacity of soils.

The presence of this tandem in the complex for seed treatment is highly desirable, as the high cation exchange capacity significantly reduces nutrient losses through leaching and improves their availability in the seed zone.

Bio-stimulants based on algae extract are also frequently used for seed treatment. And this does make sense because it is a natural source of phytohormones, amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, and other active compounds. It is a “pill” for the seed and young shoot that will provide a quick start with high resistance to stress factors.

For example:

  • Indole alkaloids stimulate plant metabolism, which accelerates the conversion of amino acids into aromatic amino acids, which eventually convert into ATP energy. Feeding with such a complex is a kind of quick recharge for the plant.
  • Glycine-betaine promotes increased resistance to abiotic stress and reduces its effects.
  • Polysaccharides act as antioxidants and additionally increase plant resistance to most stress conditions and strengthen immunity.
  • Phytohormones are responsible for all growth processes!

And since this is a very interesting topic, we will discuss it in the next episode. Keep your finger on the pulse of TerraTimes!