
FitoFarm: effectiveness on sugar beet

03 August 2023
📊 While some are already calculating the first results after harvesting winter crops, we are here with our interim achievements from our effective work.

As they say, “It’s not just about vegetables”!

✅ The combination of our EXTRA biostimulant POWERFOL FitoFarm based on Undaria pinnatifida seaweed extract with the unique NOVALON FOLIAR complex works wonders: stimulation and balanced nutrition with macro and microelements.

📈 We are pleased with the preliminary results after 14 days.

🏆 Now we await the final outcome!

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🔗 POWERFOL FitoFarm – A versatile EXTRA biostimulant

🔗 NOVALON FOLIAR – Line of microfertilizers

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ℹ️ For detailed information on application and purchasing our products, please contact our managers and official distributors in your regions.

