
Not simple potassium nitrate!

02 May 2023

Do you know about simple fertilizers? Well, we can tell you that they are not all the same and can be quite unique.

Let’s take potassium nitrate as an example. At first glance, the chemical formula is the same for all – KNO3, but only the exclusive Ultrasol brand potassium nitrate is naturally sourced, without chemical synthesis and without the use of hydrocarbons in the Atacama Desert, Chile.

If that doesn’t surprise you, don’t forget about the main advantages:

💠 perfect source of potassium (463 g/kg) and nitrate nitrogen (137 g/kg) for growing crops;

💠 nitrate nitrogen is the most effective and fastest source of nitrogen for plants;

💠 synergy of nitrate nitrogen helps to absorb calcium, magnesium, and potassium cations from the soil solution;

💠 improves not only the quality but also the quantitative indicators of the final product (quantity and size of fruits, content of dry matter, sugar content, etc.);

💠 compatible with most water-soluble fertilizers;

💠 dissolves quickly and completely;

💠 DOES NOT contain chlorine and sodium.

✅ Potassium nitrate is an essential component of fertilization systems for vegetable and fruit-berry crops, as well as in hydroponic systems.

🍅 🥒 🍓 🍆

💦 Working solution concentration:

🌀 closed ground – 0.01-0.05 (0.1-0.5 kg/1000 L of water);

🌀 open ground – 0.01-0.1 (0.1-1 kg/1000 L of water).