
Plants have stress too!

02 May 2023

Plants have stress too!

☀️ 🌱 🌧 🌱 ⚡️ 🌱

And it can take various forms: strong herbicide exposure, hail, even summer heat and water shortage can cause significant damage!

‼️ Don’t forget that you can always help your plants minimize the consequences of stress or prevent some of them altogether.

📣 We have already done everything for you – we have gathered all the necessary elements in one formula – Speedfol Amino Calmag.

Speedfol Amino Calmag is an effective anti-stress and reanimator solution, containing a high concentration of essential biogenic L-amino acids in a balanced ratio, as well as Calcium and Magnesium for rapid plant recovery after exposure to stress factors.

✅ High concentration of plant-based L-amino acids (33.5% or 435.5 g/l);

✅ 18 L-amino acids obtained by soft enzymatic hydrolysis;

✅ Calcium (6.7% or 87.1 g/l) strengthens cell walls, improving resistance to pathogens;

✅ Magnesium (2.7% or 35.1 g/l) optimizes respiration processes under stress factors;

✅ Thanks to the balanced combination of nutrients with a high concentration of L-amino acids, it quickly restores plants after stress factors.

✅ Activates the flow of nutrients into the plant and their transport through the vascular system.


☀️ 🌡 0.3-0.5 l/ha – for stress prevention (extremely high temperatures, short-term drought, etc.);

💦 1-1.5 l/ha – for stress elimination (herbicide burns, hail, etc.).