
Powerfol BorMIX – the best solution for legumes!

07 May 2024


Oilseed and technical crops aren’t the only ones in need of Boron. In addition to the traditional micronutrients found in many formulations, it’s important to pay attention to Cobalt and Molybdenum as well. These two systemic micronutrients can significantly impact the final yield.

POWERFOL BorMIX is the high-tech solution for simultaneous foliar feeding of legumes and oil crops with Boron, Molybdenum, and Cobalt.

🌀 The unique and balanced combination of these three important micronutrients makes the application of this product particularly effective during the flowering, pollination, and stimulation of rhizobial activity phases.


✅ A cutting-edge solution in the category of foliar feeding;
✅ Boron is necessary for pollen germination and pollen tube growth during pollination; it enhances carbohydrate metabolism and sugar accumulation;
✅ Molybdenum is a component of enzymes responsible for nitrogen fixation by rhizobia and its metabolism;
✅ Cobalt influences the formation and functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus in plants, promotes chloroplast and pigment concentration in leaves;
✅ Enhancement of crop pollination processes;
✅ Effective simultaneous feeding of plants and rhizobia without the risk of toxic effects on them;
✅ 100% availability of nutrients to plants;
✅ Improves final product indicators by increasing sugar and starch levels;
✅ Free from toxic impurities and low electrical conductivity.

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ℹ️ For detailed information on application and purchase of products, please contact our managers and official distributors in your regions.

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