
Powerfol Undaria is right on target!

28 March 2023

✅ Clear ✅ Accurate ✅ Targeted, and most importantly – ✅ EXTREMELY effective!

💧 And that’s all about our biostimulator POWERFOL UNDARIA.

POWERFOL UNDARIA  is a biostimulant of directed action:

🟢 High concentration of phytohormones (auxins, cytokinins) in the correct ratio (350:1) for building a developed root system;

🔵 Correction of phosphorus nutrition at the initial stages of growth, when its assimilation is limited by the root system;

🟢 Potassium and Boron increase the sugar content, improve hydrocarbon metabolism, which is relevant when restoring the vegetation of winter crops;

🔵 Zinc – stimulates the production of its own auxins, which positively affects the development of the root system, improves the hormonal balance of young plants;

🟢 Free L-amino acids are immunomodulators, stimulants and conductors in this case.

🔵 based on 100% Undaria pinnatifida seaweed extract, with the entire complex of bio-active compounds that we have already talked about;

🟢 High efficiency already at minimum standards – 0.3-0.5 l/ha.

⚠️ Do you want to “pump up” the root system, stimulate the winter plants for a quick start, prepare the winter plants for reverse frosts – this is POWERFOL UNDARIA!

🌀 It is necessary to apply a fungicide or insecticide together with the biostimulator – this is only POWERFOL UNDARIA: it acidifies the working solution, acts as an additional conductor of the active substances of plant protection products into plant tissues.