
Realizing the genetic potential of plants

07 August 2023

🌀 Seed treatment is an agronomic technique that follows the principle of minimal financial investment for maximum efficiency. That’s why choosing the right seed treatment is crucial. Successful agricultural enterprises have been using the unique and highly effective fertilizer ⭐️ NOVALON SEED TREATMENT ⭐️ to ensure energetic seed germination and the development of strong and efficient root systems in plants.

OPTIMAL NITROGEN-PHOSPHORUS-POTASSIUM ratio stimulates root growth, optimizes osmotic pressure, and provides plants with the necessary proteins for tissue construction.

CHELATED FORM OF MICROELEMENTS ensures that plants have the most critical nutrients during the germination stage and optimizes metabolic processes during root system development.

HIGH CONCENTRATION OF ZINC and Boron promotes active root development.

AUXINS and CYTOKININS stimulate cell division during seed germination and root system formation, encouraging deep root growth.

AMINO ACIDS are readily available for building root proteins and enhance the plant’s resistance to environmental stresses.

HUMIC and FULVIC ACIDS foster the growth of beneficial microflora, optimize soil buffering capacity, and facilitate nutrient uptake by the root system.

ADHESIVE prevents fertilizer loss during seed treatment, ensuring that the fertilizer remains effectively adhered to the seeds during packaging and transportation.

✅ The fertilizer contains a substance that protects the seeds from excessive moisture and ensures uniform and successful emergence.

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🏆 TerraTarsa 🏆 – Choose the best!

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ℹ️ For detailed information on application and purchasing our products, please contact our managers and official distributors in your regions.

