
Should winter crop seeds be treated?

23 July 2024

💬 The question “Should winter crop seeds be treated?” no longer arises among our leading agronomists. ✔️ Everyone is convinced that this agricultural practice is entirely justified.

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Let’s take a closer look at the components of this procedure so that you have no doubts about its necessity:

1️⃣ FUNGICIDAL PROTECTION – one of the most critical aspects. Seed treatment provides disinfection from pathogens that persist in seeds, on their surface, and in the soil. A simple example: smut diseases can be controlled mainly during seed treatment. However, besides smut, treating wheat and barley seed ensures the protection of crops from root rots, alternaria, and fusarium.

2️⃣ INSECTICIDAL PROTECTION – used to protect seedlings and shoots of grain crops from a range of soil and surface pests, including beetle larvae, cutworms, and also seedlings from cereal flies, flea beetles, aphids, and the spread of viral diseases they transmit.

Thus, fungicidal and insecticidal protection during seed treatment is a MUST-HAVE!

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‼️ But it is essential to be careful and remember that seed treatments are divided into contact and systemic by their action.

🔹 Contact – do not penetrate inside and act on the disease agent during direct contact on the seed surface.

🔹 Systemic – penetrate the tissues and vascular system of the plant and move through it. They provide protection against internal infection and maintain protection from the emergence phase to tillering.

🔹 Contact-systemic – work both on the seed surface and provide protection from within. They are the optimal solution for seed treatment.

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✔️ With this clear, there is another opportunity for the agronomist to improve seedling quality 🌱 and, accordingly, impact yield improvement.

Many of our farmers have already confirmed this and have adopted it, along with leading seed producers.

💧Microfertilizers with a biostimulant effect are precisely what should complete the triad: fungicide – insecticide – nutrition with a biostimulant effect during seed treatment.

✅ Treating seeds with a complex of macro- and microelements, plant hormones, amino acids, humic and fulvic acids is the first agrotechnical measure that can influence improving seed germination conditions and nourishing seedlings and sprouts at the beginning of ontogenesis. Applied to the seed surface, these substances can create a sort of sphere around it, enriched with essential elements, which will also perform the function of physical protection against diseases, provocative moisture, and unfavorable conditions during germination.

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📣 We will not overload you with information and will consider each component of seed treatment from the perspective of nutrition and stimulation separately in subsequent posts.

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😎 So keep your finger on the pulse of TerraTimes news

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ℹ️ For detailed information on the application and purchase of products, contact our managers and official distributors in the regions.

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