
Stimulator for winter onions

25 August 2023

And this information will be especially valuable for those who plan to grow WINTER ONIONS!

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➡️ At the beginning of the growing season, special attention should be paid to the formation of a healthy root system: this will maximize the use of all resources from the soil, including moisture, and create conditions for optimal culture development!

🎯 It is for this purpose that our farms in 📍 Dnipropetrovsk region use the unique stimulator NOVALON SEED TREATMENT in the fertigation system 💧!

Yes, yes, we were not mistaken, because NOVALON SEED TREATMENT can be used not only as a pre-sowing complex, but also as a growth stimulator:

✅ A balanced set of N-P-K + the entire complex of trace elements;

✅ High concentration of phytohormones (auxins and cytokinins in the correct ratio of 350 to 1), which stimulates the growth and development of lateral roots;

✅ L-amino acids are readily available raw materials for building root proteins and increase plant resistance to environmental stressors;

Humic and fulvic acids ensure the active development of useful microflora, optimize soil buffering in the root zone, facilitate the absorption of nutrients by the root system.

📣 And this is exactly the case when the effectiveness has been tested by time and does not allow to do the control)

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🏆 TerraTarsa 🏆 – choose the best!
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ℹ️ For detailed information on the use and purchase of products, contact our managers and official distributors in the regions.
