The history of the company began in 1997 with the promotion of the technology of drip irrigation under the “Terra LTD” brand. At that time, only the most courageous and visionary farmers dared to implement it because drip irrigation required large amounts of investments back then. Terra LTD started to promote drip irrigation systems to make potential clients to get interested in the technology. The competently planned strategy yielded its tangible results already in 4 years: the company practically became a monopolist in the Ukrainian market despite the crisis that existed at that time both in the world and in Ukraine. Many companies that also offered irrigation technology appeared in the market at that time. However, Terra LTD already had a significant advantage over its competitors, and the opportunities for the company’s development were utilized to the fullest extent. Terra LTD has become the world’s largest dealer of T-Systems with a high sales volume by 2008. The company’s share of the Ukrainian market reached 50-60%; similar figures were reported for the Russian market. In meters, it was equal approximately 90 million. This length of the tape covers approximately 15 thousand hectares! Today the Ukrainian market is estimated to cover approximately 400 million meters.

FROM INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS TO MANUFACTURING! Having gone through rapid and extensive development, mastering new directions, and vigorously increasing volumes, the company expanded its circle of clients and partners. The company skillfully used all the opportunities that arose in the course of dynamic development, and an international company TerraTarsa Ukraine was created as a result of the merger of the Terra LTD group of companies with the Turkish partners Doktor Tarsa in autumn of 2011. TerraTarsa Ukraine began to produce special fertilizers using production capacities of its Turkish partners and selling those fertilizers in Ukraine and CIS countries. Today TerraTarsa offers over 20 types of basic NPK fertilizers produced at the most modern plant in Europe. However, own complexes of special fertilizers created by TerraTarsa on the platform of company’s scientific potential distinguish the company on the market. The progressive logically verified development of the company has led to the need to engage in research and development (R&D). It represents practical implementation of what the scientific environment has to offer: research on plant nutrition deficiencies and optimal ways of their elimination. Therefore, the idea to build a production plant in Kakhovka emerged. But due to the temporary occupation, its further activities have been suspended.
Perfection in details…