
DANGER ahead!

23 March 2023

❄️ ❄️ DANGER ahead! ❄️ ❄️

We face the problem of reverse frost every year.

🌡 The essence of the problem is that it is a short-term sharp drop in air temperature to critical values (from -2°С and below). This can occur in different periods: both during the restoration of vegetation of winter crops, and during the period of active vegetation (budding and even flowering)..

Reverse frosts are all the more dangerous the later they occur from the moment of warming. The fact is that young 🌿leaves, buds and flowers 🌸 are incredibly sensitive to the cold ❄️ and are not able to resist it on their own. Under the influence of low temperatures, the sap begins to freeze, which causes tissue ruptures at the cellular level and leads to the death of the plant. That is why late reverse frosts pose the greatest danger precisely after the start of sap movement in the plant..

There are two ways of protection:

1️⃣ PREVENTIVE – treatment with biostimulants based on seaweed extract 7-10 days before the theoretical temperature drop.
A cocktail of polysacharides, polyamines, and micro-elements will help saturate plant cells, which will lower the crystallization temperature of cell juice. And phytohormones and amino acids will immediately enter into restorative processes after the onset of stress.

2️⃣ ACTUAL – we work immediately after the end of the temperature swing with products with a high concentration of amino acids for the rapid recovery of plants after a stressful factor.
Free L-amino acids are the drivers of protein synthesis, participate in many biochemical processes and are the building material for cell formation. By providing the plant with a complex of available L-amino acids, we save its strength for its own synthesis, which is especially relevant when the bill goes on for hours. And do not forget that the wider the aminogram of the product, the better the effect.

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