
Post-harvest processing of berry crops

16 October 2023

We’ve moved on from fruit crops, now let’s talk about preparing berry crops for winter.

❄️ During winter, cellular metabolism in plants ceases due to low temperatures. The cold period is essential for the formation of generative buds, which will be the basis for the new harvest.

🍃 In this period, in addition to fertilization, attention should also be paid to irrigation: frequent watering in the autumn stimulates the growth of late autumn shoots, and the plant is not able to enter a state of dormancy properly.

😴 Introducing the plant into a period of dormancy should be done gradually, starting from August, by reducing the amount of watering, and excluding nitrogen nutrition.

📌 The main macronutrients for fertigation in this period are Phosphorus and Potassium, among the micronutrients are Boron, Zinc, Manganese, Cobalt, and Molybdenum.

1️⃣ POTASSIUM – it is advisable for both soil and foliar application (NOVALON Foliar 09-12-40+0.5MgO+ME – 💧1-1.5 kg/ha): improves bark condition, accumulates sugars for wintering. Enhances enzyme activity in protein formation, increases cell turgor, regulates plant water balance – enhances plant resistance to low temperatures.

2️⃣ PHOSPHORUS – it is advisable for both soil and foliar application (NOVALON Foliar 10-45-15+0.5MgO+ME – 💧1-1.5 kg/ha): necessary for root development and for breaking dormancy next year.

3️⃣ ZINC – emphasis on foliar application (POWERFOL Zn EDTA – 💧1 l/ha): necessary for further flowering and fruit setting, promotes the ability to synthesize auxins for cell division for even bud break, fruit setting, maintenance, and size. Increases plant frost resistance. Promotes normal growth and development of leaves and fruits in the next season.

4️⃣ BORON – emphasis on foliar application (SPEEDFOL B – 💧1 kg/ha): important for future flowering and fruit setting, will promote the development of healthy floral parts, pollen tubes, and calcium absorption. Participates in the formation of cellular structures, tissue differentiation, providing them with strength.

5️⃣ MOLYBDENUM – emphasis on foliar application (POWERFOL BorMIX – 💧1 l/ha) – affects phosphorus metabolism in plants, increases the content of bound water and the water-holding capacity of tissues, which contributes to better winter hardiness and drought resistance of plants in early spring.

6️⃣ COBALT – emphasis on foliar application (POWERFOL BorMIX – 💧1 l/ha) – acts as a catalyst in enzymatic reactions, which positively affects protein formation. Influences the productivity of plants in the next vegetative period.

Don’t forget about the main fertilizer applications: at the end of the season for fertigation of berry plantings, we introduce:


NOVALON 13-40-13+ME – 💧10 kg/ha

Magnesium sulfate – 💧10 kg/ha


Pay attention to the pH of the working solution, it is crucial for these crops.

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✏️ Learn more about the peculiarities of cultivation:




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For detailed information on application and purchase of products, please reach out to our managers and official distributors in the regions.

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