Today we will talk about such a specific and intensive culture as winter rape: the features of each critical period of development and how we can improve the yield based on this.
ROSETTE FORMATION (autumn) – 70% of the winter rape yield is formed in the autumn period (before winter dormancy). Process of rosette formation: every autumn leaf is a stem in the spring. Balanced NPK nutrition in this period forms a strong leaf apparatus and an optimal size of the root neck, while one-sided nitrogen nutrition stretches it. Boron deficiency provokes doubling (during this period, rapeseed absorbs up to 25% of the total Boron requirement). That is why it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding with complex microfertilizers focusing on phosphorus and mandatory boron feeding, in several stages (fractional).
STEMMING – activation of all morphophysiological processes occurs. Up to 80% of all Nitrogen is absorbed (from vegetative growth to flowering). The final potential yield is formed. In this period, it is necessary to apply complex fertilizers with microelements + biostimulants to activate the formation of generative organs. Do not forget – boron feeding is necessary to support tissue elasticity, activate the root system, and prepare for bud formation.
BUDDING – the end of flowering – determines how many flowers will be pollinated and form seeds (pod fill). That is why during the butonization phase, boron application is necessary (for proper flower pollination) and anti-stress agents to minimize the consequences of stresses.
POD FILL – the weight of 1000 seeds is formed – this indicator can be further improved by nitrogen nutrition.

Therefore, remember – before the phase of active flowering, we work on quantity, and after – on the quality of our yield. Stay tuned with
TerraTarsa – there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.
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