
Annual DANGEROUS surprise!

14 March 2024

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🌡 Dealing with late spring frosts is a challenge we face every year. The issue arises from the short, sudden drop in air temperature to critical levels (from -2 °C and below), which can occur during the period of winter crop recovery as well as during active growth (budding and even flowering).

Late frosts are particularly dangerous the later they occur after a period of warming. The problem lies in the fact that young 🌿 leaves, buds, and 🌸 flowers are incredibly sensitive to cold ❄️ and cannot withstand it on their own. Under the influence of low temperatures, the sap begins to freeze, causing tissue ruptures at the cellular level and leading to the death of the plant. This is why late frosts pose the greatest danger shortly after the plant’s sap movement has started.

🛡 There are two ways to protect:

1️⃣ PREVENTIVE – treating with biostimulants based on seaweed extract 7-10 days before the expected temperature drop. A cocktail of polysaccharides, polyamines, microelements helps saturate plant cells, reducing the temperature of crystallization of cellular sap. And phytohormones and amino acids immediately initiate recovery processes after stress.

✅ We recommend paying attention to biostimulants based on seaweed extract SPEEDFOL MARINE or POWERFOL UNDARIA.

2️⃣ ACTUAL – we act immediately after the temperature swings with products with a high concentration of L-amino acids for quick plant recovery after a stressful factor. Free L-amino acids are drivers of protein synthesis, participate in many biochemical processes, and are building blocks for cell formation. By providing the plant with a complex of available L-amino acids, we save its energy for its own synthesis, which is especially relevant when time is of the essence. And don’t forget, the wider the amino acid profile of the product, the better the effect.

✅ An indispensable component in this case is SPEEDFOL AMINO CALMAG – a stress-reducing and reanimating agent with a high concentration of free L-amino acids.

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📰 TerraTimes – Your Agricultural Encyclopedia.

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ℹ️ For detailed information on application and purchase of products, contact our managers and official distributors in your regions.

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