
Vegetables: how to start properly?!

19 March 2024


Let’s be frank: in modern conditions, it’s impossible to achieve a consistently good vegetable harvest without irrigation. Only through timely watering can we control moisture levels, nourish, and stimulate (fertigation) plants during critical growth stages.

Fertigation is essentially the application of necessary components (mineral water-soluble fertilizers, plant protection products, growth stimulants, or anti-stress agents) with irrigation water.

Mostly, the basis of fertigation consists of complex fertilizers and simple salts, sometimes NPK. These products provide plants throughout the entire vegetative period with a basic set of macro- (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) and microelements (ME). However, it’s no secret that plants are subject to both abiotic and biotic stress factors, which is particularly dangerous when stress occurs during critical development phases. During these periods, plants require not only balanced nutrition but also the adjustment of phytohormone balance in conjunction with microelements.

It’s important to note that we’re not just talking about auxins separately, but a balanced complex (auxins + cytokinins + microelements) and their specific ratio to each other. This will establish an optimal hormonal balance in the plant that regulates cell division and elongation, root and lateral root formation, nutrient transport in the plant, ensuring the formation of filled and uniform fruits.

And in this context, our invaluable assistant will help us – Powerfol Energy Seeds. It has already proven itself as a powerful pre-sowing complex, but today we will reveal the curtain on its significant advantages as a fertigation product.

For your convenience, we will consider critical development stages for each crop group separately. We’ll emphasize where the features of Powerfol Energy Seeds (balanced combination of macro- and microelements with phytohormones) provide the greatest benefit.



Don’t forget that the potential yield of tomatoes is already forming at the seedling stage. The productivity of the crop and the quality of the fruits depend significantly on the formation and growth processes of the vegetative mass, which in turn are determined by the development of the root system.

Uniform growth of the root system in the soil thickness provides a powerful area for plant nutrition and, as a result, abundant fruit set and high yield. The role of auxins at this stage is clear, and in this regard, Powerfol Energy Seeds fertilization will help.

Let’s focus on the leading system. A critical indicator for tomatoes is the stem diameter, which should increase with the transition from one phenological phase to another. Auxins directly influence this process. They also control the differentiation of meristem into vascular tissue. Therefore, it is advisable to use Powerfol Energy Seeds with each transition to a new phenophase.

!!! Pay attention to the balance of soil moisture and air humidity. With sharp fluctuations in air humidity and low concentration of the working solution, tomato fruits are damaged by blossom end rot. To increase the concentration of the working solution, use a balanced working solution of simple salts and complex fertilizers in combination with Powerfol Energy Seeds.



The critical period for carrots is from sowing to emergence! Fertigation with Powerfol Energy Seeds immediately after sowing will provide:

a) Uniform seedlings, due to the easily accessible Phosphorus and Zinc, which also participates in tryptophan synthesis, as well as the content of auxins and cytokinins (in a ratio of 350:1), stimulating root system growth.

b) A developed root system will ensure the development of vegetative mass, in which assimilation products are formed, essentially nourishing the taproot.

The next critical period: intensive taproot growth. Fertigation with Powerfol Energy Seeds ensures the transport of available nutrients to the taproots, influencing their growth.

The critical signs for fertigation with Powerfol Energy Seeds are as follows: slowing growth, inhibition of taproot formation, and reddish tint of the leaf blade. Thanks to the phosphorus content and balanced ratio of phytohormones, this moment can be prevented preventively.

!!! Note that carrots require an optimal soil moisture level: in conditions of moisture deficit, growth slows down, taproots become coarse, woody, acquire a bitter taste, and bolts with flowering occur. After a short drought during the intensive growth period of taproots, cracking of the fruits is observed. With excessive moisture, soil aeration is absent, and plant growth ceases.



Critical periods for onions include:

  1. Emergence – High supply of Phosphorus, Zinc, and an optimal set of phytohormones (auxin/cytokinin) in the early stages of development promotes the formation of a robust root system.
  2. Bulb formation – After the appearance of 7-8 leaves for onions intended for storage. Fertigation with Powerfol Energy Seeds during this period increases the dry matter content in the plant’s cell sap, ensuring long-term storage. Phosphorus fertilization at later stages of onion development promotes the formation of thick and sturdy outer scales.

!!! It is recommended to provide temporary moisture deficit from 2 to 7 true leaves by increasing the intervals between irrigations by 2 days. This agronomic technique forms a branched root system that deepens into the lower soil layers in search of water. Starting from the 7th-8th leaf, water supply is restored to 30-50% bulb swelling, assessing the projected coverage in the field.



Cucumber develops a robust vegetative mass thanks to a well-developed root system. At the initial stages of development, we use Powerfol Energy Seeds with fertigation, but we regulate the amount of water. Excessive moisture will lead to the drowning of the cucumber’s root system. Intermittent irrigation in small portions is the best option for cucumbers.

There is often a problem of fruit set from unpollinated flowers. By using a balanced complex of phytohormones (auxins/cytokinins) in biostimulants through foliar applications on flowers and the adjacent leaf apparatus, we have the opportunity to achieve fruit set even from unpollinated flowers.



There are several critical periods for this demanding crop: raising seedlings, transplanting into plastic greenhouses, direct field planting, and head formation.

A crucial task to ensure a quality harvest is to obtain seedlings with a rosette of 3-4 true leaves and a developed root system. The first fertigation in the seedling department with Powerfol Energy Seeds will develop the root system and prevent seedling stretching. Repeated fertigation with Powerfol Energy Seeds should be done after transplanting the seedlings and after planting them into the soil in their permanent location. Plants should be planted in holes to the depth of the first true leaf. Feeding with the Powerfol Energy Seeds complex will help speed up the plant’s assimilation process in its new location, relieve stress, and stimulate root system development.

The period of intensive nutrient uptake is the period of head formation and growth. It is necessary to ensure the transport of nutrients for the accumulation of dry matter. Additionally, the critical signal for the application of Powerfol Energy Seeds is the change in leaf color to dark green and purple, as well as their wilting.




Critical phases for table beet can be identified as follows:

4-6 leaf stage – applying Powerfol Energy Seeds at this stage stimulates plant growth and development, enhances resistance to adverse weather conditions and diseases, and compensates for micronutrient deficiencies. Fertilization allows plants to develop a well-developed root system and increase the area of ​​plant nutrition.

10-12 fully formed leaf stage – fertigation with Powerfol Energy Seeds promotes enhanced uptake of essential elements from the soil, increases plant drought resistance, and improves yield quality indicators. During this period, a balanced hormonal and micronutrient complex increases the sugar content, chlorophyll, improves sugar flow from leaves to roots, enhances respiratory intensity, and increases tissue water-holding capacity.



The areas under melon crops are steadily increasing every year. To ensure high-quality yields, regular irrigation is essential: on sandy soils, irrigation should continue until harvest, while on clay soils, irrigation should be stopped 7-10 days before harvest.

The first critical moment is the formation of the root system. In melons, it forms before the emergence of cotyledons on the soil surface. The roots reach their maximum total length before the flowering stage. Fertilization with Powerfol Energy Seeds in the seedling nursery and after transplanting to the permanent location is important. This will allow the development of a robust root system before flowering (physiologically, the melon root system forms up to this period).

The next critical moment is flowering – the beginning of fruit set. Application of Powerfol Energy Seeds in fertigation stimulates flowering intensity and minimizes the risk of fruit drop due to the balanced content of phytohormones and phosphorus. Phosphorus is known to participate in protein synthesis and is a component of coenzymes, nucleoproteins, and nucleoside polyphosphates (ATP, ADP, AMP).

Many producers are concerned about the size of melon fruits. In the pursuit of size, they mistakenly rely on ammonium nitrate, which stretches cells and compromises the taste, transportability, and shelf life of melons.

We need to take a different approach – intensifying cell division during fruit growth. By applying Powerfol Energy Seeds during fertigation, followed by a balanced nutrition system, we can achieve quality and sweet fruits!


As we can see, with a balanced product like Powerfol Energy Seeds, we can address numerous critical issues. The main thing is to timely utilize its benefits to our advantage.

Consult our experts for advice!

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